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Managing supply partners
TrafficGuard Support avatar
Written by TrafficGuard Support
Updated over 2 years ago

This page provides instructions on how you can manage your active traffic sources and discover new sources who are integrated with TrafficGuard.


The Integrated Partner List lets you manage active partners and discover new partners. Below are instructions for:

πŸ’‘ Tip
​Can you manage partners?

If you sign up as an ad network then you do not have to manage your supply partners.

Adding partners to properties

  1. Go to Traffic Control > Integrated partners.

  2. Click 'ADD NEW' on the Integrated partner's page.

  3. On the 'Select a Partner', choose your source. If your partner is not on the list, please contact our Partner Team.

  4. Select a property that you would like to see partners on.

  5. On the partner page, set configurations as you wish.

  6. Click 'SAVE'. The partner name will appear as part of your 'Integrated Partners' list.

Using and editing tracking links

  1. Go to Traffic Control > Integrated partners

  2. On Integrated partners, search and select the existing partner you want to take an action on.

3. In Generate tracking links section, you can change or input:

  • Campaign ID

  • Agency ID

  • Tracking link version

4. Copy the tracking link/s and provide to the partner

5. Click 'SAVE'

πŸ’‘ Tip

Any changes to these attributes will automatically affect tracking link generation.

Configuring partner postbacks

  1. Go to Traffic Control > Integrated partners

  2. On Integrated partners, search and select the existing partner you want to take an action on.

3. In the Partner postbacks section, you can:

  • Choose what postback events you want to send to the partner.

  • Enable postbacks for all events to all partners.

4. Click 'SAVE'

πŸ’‘ Tip
Send postbacks for all events

Only enable this option if the partner is an Analytics Platform.

Configuring partner permissions

  1. Go to Traffic Control > Integrated partners

  2. On Integrated partners, search and select the existing partner you want to take an action on.

3. In the Partner permissions section, you can enable or disable partner access to:

  • Dashboard and analytics

  • Report export

πŸ’‘ Tip

Allowing your partner to access analytics and reporting on invalid traffic can facilitate their optimisation processes.

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