In TrafficGuard, you can use URLs to track, measure and validate clicks from Integrated partners and other traffic sources.
When an end-user views or clicks a measurement URL, TrafficGuard measures and validates the user and redirects them to your MMP Integration or the app store. This is the primary method that your sources will drive traffic to your apps.
The measurement URL can be used in conjunction with the Measurement postback URL or Measurement SDK to determine when a user installs your app, validate the conversion and attribute it to the correct source. TrafficGuard then uses the Integrated partners' postback URL to notify that partner of valid conversion in real-time.
Measurement URLs
The measurement URLs are comprised of a number of parts, including the base URL, parameters, and values associated with those parameters:
Base URL
This is the domain for the click which always includes the click subdomain. Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported.
Required parameters
Some parameters like property_id and source_id are required, while others are optional.
app_id | The app package name of the App being advertised |
partner_id | TrafficGuard partner ID of your traffic source |
If the traffic source is not a TrafficGuard integrated partner, then source_id is required
source_id | Your ID of the traffic source |
We strongly encourage including all available parameters, for example, unique device identifiers like the Android Advertising ID in your measurement URLs for increased accuracy:
aaid={android_advertising_id} | Android advertiser unique identifier |
For a complete list of all the available parameters, see the Click Measurement URL reference pages.
Integrated Partners have predefined URL templates so you can simply generate a unique tracking link for that partner in the portal.
Pass-through redirect
If you configure an MMP Integration on your mobile app then TrafficGuard will automatically redirect all valid clicks on to your MMP via our predefined integration.
Click data that is received via the TrafficGuard measurement URL will be sent to the MMP if they have support for it. The MMP integration ensures that all TrafficGuard data is automatically mapped to the MMP parameters.
S2S clicks (server-to-server)
If a partner has been approved to have a unique integration where they send clicks asynchronously server-side, then the following endpoint and parameters are required.
Check with your MMP to make sure their system is compatible with S2S tracking. If there is an incompatibility, your click measurement could stop working.
Base URL
For a complete list of all the available parameters, see the Server to Server (s2s) reference pages.
S2S click data that is received via the TrafficGuard measurement URL will be sent to the MMP if they have support for it.
Custom URLs
You can add the following optional parameters to measurement URLs if they are supported by the traffic source.
For a complete list of all the available parameters, see the Click Measurement URL reference pages.
Unique identifier parameters (highly recommended)
aaid | Android only. Android advertiser unique identifier |
aaid_sha1 | Android Only - Android advertiser identifier in SHA1 format |
aaid_md5 | Android Only - Android advertiser identifier in MD5 format |
idfa | iOS Only - iOS unique identifier |
idfa_sha1 | iOS Only - iOS unique identifier in SHA1 format |
idfa_md5 | iOS Only - iOS unique identifier in MD5 format |
Campaign metadata parameter
agency_id= // ID of the agency
campaign_id= // Campaign name
sub_partner_id= // Identifier of the partners sub-source or sub-publisher
site_id= // ID of the site or mobile app where the user was engaged
placement_id= // Identifier of the ad placement
creative_type= // Type of ad creative
creative_set_id= // Identifier of the ad creative set
creative_id= // Identifier of the ad creative
section_id= // Identifier of section of the ad placement
creative_size= // Dimensions of the ad creative (as a string)
is_retargeting= // Is the engagement a result of a retargeting campaign
click_lookback= // The maximum lookback attribution period of an install
keyword= // keyword
Additional parameters
sub_param_1= // Custom Parameter 1
sub_param_2= // Custom Parameter 2
sub_param_3= // Custom Parameter 3
sub_param_4= // Custom Parameter 4
sub_param_5= // Custom Parameter 5
Reference ID parameters
partner_click_id= // Partners unique click identifier
appsflyer_pid= // Partners Appsflyer identifier
appsflyer_prt= // Agencies Appsflyer identifier
Reference ID parameters
user_ip= // IP address of the client device
user_agent= // User-Agent of the client device
Device parameters are only accepted on the S2S endpoint
Timing parameters
click_time= // The time of the click ISO 8601
click_time_milliseconds= // The time of the click (Milliseconds since the Unix Epoch)
Cost data parameters
cost_model= // The model cost is calculated by
cost_value_usd= // Cost in USD
cost_value_usd_encrypted= // Cost in USD encrypted
cost_event_name= // The event that cost should be applied to if cost model is CPE
Destination parameters
The destination is configured on the property, however, you can define a dynamic destination per click by sending a URL-encoded link as a parameter in the measurement URL
destination_url= // Destination of the redirect in URL encoded format