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Threat Category: Non-incremental
TrafficGuard Support avatar
Written by TrafficGuard Support
Updated over 9 months ago

The non-incremental threat category includes rules that identify usage that may not be fraudulent or malicious, but offers no incremental value to advertisers. It predominately includes users who click on an advertiser' ads excessively, particularly branded keyword ads, and are often existing customers using ads as a gateway to your site.



Rate campaign device

Identifies the same users coming back to your site again and again, clicking on ads when they had every intention of visiting the site anyway.

Typically you want to stop these users clicking your paid ads, as they have intention to find you and will reach your site via organic search results in the absence of paid ads.

Note, these users are identified via Validation Rules that can be managed via Threat settings.

Rate returning duplicate userid

Identifies a user who repeatedly clicks on the same instance of an ad multiple times within a set time period. The same ad is identified using the Google Click ID (GCLID).

Repeat clicks differ to Duplicate clicks in that the additional click/s on the same GCLID take place outside the specific time limit Google determines to be normal behaviour, and so they are likely to charge for these repeat clicks.

This repeat click behaviour is not always fraudulent or malicious but is rarely beneficial for advertisers.

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