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Data view filter

What the Search Data view filter is and why it's important to distinguish between preventable and non-preventable traffic.

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Written by TrafficGuard Support
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ This article only applies to accounts with access to TrafficGuard's improved Search product as of June 2024.

The TrafficGuard Search product tracks your traffic quality across all Google search campaign types, however, we cannot actively prevent invalid traffic on all. Data for traffic types we can prevent on will be displayed under the Preventable selection on the Data view filter and will be the default view across TrafficGuard dashboards and reports.

Data view filter

The Data view filter is accessed via the global filters and is available on Search accounts only.

Global filters

By default all dashboards and reports are filtered to the 'Preventable' Data view. This means all tracked traffic data on preventable campaign types (see below) can be prevented by TrafficGuard. This view shows you the complete value of TrafficGuard's Search product at minimising invalid traffic on your accounts.

The non-preventable filter shows tracked traffic on all traffic that cannot be prevented by TrafficGuard. While this invalid traffic can't be prevented, this data is still valuable and should be reviewed regularly as it is useful to help you make campaign, budget and targeting decisions based on your rate of invalid traffic on these campaign types.

The 'all' filter will show all traffic monitored by TrafficGuard, both preventable and non-preventable.

Preventable traffic

The following campaign types are preventable by TrafficGuard:

  • Search

  • Display

  • Shopping

  • PerformanceMax

Non-preventable traffic

The following campaign types are not preventable by TrafficGuard:

  • Video

  • Smart

  • Hotel

  • Local

  • Discovery

  • Multi channel

  • Local services

In addition non-measurable clicks, those clicks we do not have enough data on to determine if they're valid or invalid, are included in the non-preventable filter.

Duplicate clicks

Clicks where a user repeatedly clicks on the same instance of an ad, duplicate clicks, are not preventable by TrafficGuard however they are not included in any of our usual traffic reports or data view filter options. These clicks can instead be viewed separately and only in the Duplicate click report. Read more about duplicate clicks and our treatment of them.

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