Before you begin
If you are not familiar with how tracking works, consider reviewing Choosing the right options
In TrafficGuard, you can use URLs to track, measure and validate impressions from Integrated partners and other traffic sources.
The measurement URL can be used in conjunction with the Click Measurement URL, Measurement postback URL or Measurement SDK to determine when a user installs your app, validate the conversion and attribute it to the correct source. TrafficGuard then uses the Integrated partner's postback URL to notify that partner of valid conversion in real-time.
Ad Tag
Ad tag is the preferred method of tracking impressions. Check to see if your 3rd party platform can support the placement of a JS Ad Tag
Impression URLs
The impression measurement URLs are almost identical to the click URLs:
Base URL
This is the domain for the click which always includes the impression subdomain. Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported.
Some parameters like app_id and partner_id are required, while others are optional.
Required parameters
property_id=tg-000-0001 // Property ID (required if app_id is not avaliable)
&app_id=com.appenture.puzzle // App package name or app id in the store (required if property_id is not avaliable)
&partner_id=inmobi_pte_limited // Partner ID
&token= // Client unique authentication token
aaid= // Android only. Android advertiser unique identifier
idfa= // iOS Only - iOS unique identifier
Integrated Partners have predefined URL templates so you can simply generate a unique tracking link for that partner in the portal.
Custom URLs
You can add the following optional parameters to measurement URLs if they are supported by the traffic source.
Campaign metadata parameters
agency_id= // ID of the agency
sub_partner_id= // Identifier of the partners sub-source or sub-publisher
site_id= // ID of the site or mobile app where the user was engaged
placement_id= // Identifier of the ad placement
creative_type= // Type of ad creative
creative_set_id= // Identifier of the ad creative set
creative_id= // Identifier of the ad creative
section_id= // Identifier of section of the ad placement
is_retargeting= // Is the engagement a result of a retargeting campaign
click_lookback= // The maximum lookback attribution period of an install
keyword= // keyword
Additional parameters
sub_param_1= // Custom Parameter 1
sub_param_2= // Custom Parameter 2
sub_param_3= // Custom Parameter 3
sub_param_4= // Custom Parameter 4
sub_param_5= // Custom Parameter 5
Reference ID parameters
partner_click_id= // Partners unique click identifier
Timing parameters
click_time= // The time of the click ISO 8601
click_time_milliseconds= // The time of the click (Milliseconds since the Unix Epoch)
Cost data parameters
cost_model= // The model cost is calculated by
cost_value_usd= // Cost in USD
cost_event= // The event that cost should be applied to if cost model is CPE
Data privacy parameters
gdpr= // GDPR Consent passing
gdpr_consent= // GDPR Consent passing - Encodes the consented-to purposes and vendor consent string, as obtained from the CMP JS API or OpenRTB.
gdpr_pd= // GDPR Consent passing - for generic URL parameters, gdpr_pd=0 indicates none of them contain personal data (from the perspective of the callee). For "defined" URL parameters, their definition should define whether they include personal data.