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Adding a new app
TrafficGuard Support avatar
Written by TrafficGuard Support
Updated over a week ago


New apps can be added before you start running paid user acquisition campaigns to make sure that TrafficGuard is safeguarding your traffic.

Add an app

  1. Open the TrafficGuard Portal

  2. If you are an Agency user, select the organisation to which you want to add the app

  3. Go to Apps from the side navigation

  4. Click on the Add app button

Search your app and set your MMP link

Complete the form by entering the following information:

  1. Choose between the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store

  2. If your app only appears in a specific country's app store, specify that country

  3. Find your app by searching for app name, publisher or just paste full store URL (This can be found in your browser's address bar on the app's store page)

  4. Enter the app's timezone. This will be used to help analyse app traffic

  5. Select the Mobile Measurement Platform (MMP). If your app's MMP is not listed, get in touch with [email protected]

  6. Enter the Mobile Measurement Platform tracking link. This is usually found in the portal of you MMP. For more information check out the MMP Integration guide.

  7. Click the Add app button and your app will be added to the organisation

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