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PPC Engagement Report
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Written by TrafficGuard Support
Updated over a week ago

The Engagement report shows you visitors engagement on your website, this is measured by how long the visitor takes and how many pages the visitor views in a session.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip

Session - When a user with a unique IP address spends time on a website during a specified period of time. The number of user sessions on a site is used in measuring the amount of traffic a website gets.

Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 14.43.18

1. Filters

Filters give the ability to drill down and reveal additional levels of detail of your data. It is a great way to understand the distribution of the users of your PPC ads. You can filter on multiple values for all filtering options which are:

  • Attributes

2. Date and Time Range

By default, the date range is set to the last 7 days. You can choose your preferred date-time range.

3. Session Duration

Click on Session Duration tab to view how long are the sessions on your website.

4. Page Depth

Click on the Page Depth tab to view how many pages do your visitors view in a session.

5. Data Columns

  • Session duration: Durations of sessions in seconds

  • Session: Number of sessions in a selected time period. A session is defined as the duration for which a visitor has activity on your website.

  • Pageviews: Number of pages (non-unique) visited by the visitor in that session.

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